A luxurious facial where science meets indulgence.
Working your skin from the outside in, this treatment has been designed to deeply exfoliate dead skin cells and remove non terminal hair using dermaplaning, polish the skin, flush toxins, increase and stimulate our natural collagen and cell turnover through microneedling with a dermaroller. This method will heavily increase the absorption of any active ingredients by 80% as opposed to 8%, this is why we use a hyaluronic acid mask for maximum results.
It is the epitome of luxury with MILLION DOLLAR© results.
* Pigmentation
* lines and wrinkles
* Dull /tired skin, dry skin
* Acne scarring
* Puffiness
* Removal of peach fuzz
* Younger looking skin, clear skin and skin tightening are all achievable with these advanced methods.
Dermaplaning is an effective way to exfoliate. Using a blade we shave, or remove, the dead skin cells from the epidermis. Along with exfoliating, dermaplaning also helps remove the unwanted velus hairs from the face. Usually, you can see a difference after the first treatment. The skin is now able to absorb serums and active ingredients (with 80% uptake into the skin vs 8% without). Skin glows and feels incredible smooth. We use Vitamin C and B5 serums for optimum skin improvement. We finish with a sunscreen to protect your skin when you leave. While this is an aggressive treatment, dermaplaning does not break the capillaries on the face. It is not possible to use on the neck or decolette. Contrary to popular belief, shaving off the vellus hair does not change it in any way. It does not grow back darker or thicker. Younger looking skin, clear skin and skin tightening are all achievable with these advanced methods. Great for dry skin!
Dermaroller (otherwise known as microneedling) is a medical roller with hundreds of micro-skin needles. As the roller is passed across the skin it causes small micro-punctures in the skin surface that stimulates the skin to regenerate and repair itself naturally and safely, creating smoother, brighter, healthier, younger-looking skin. A course of 3 is recommended (6 weeks apart) to give you fantastic results that will last you up to 12 months! The Dermaroller is also part of the Million Dollar Facial alongside dermaplaning.
Younger looking skin, clear skin and skin tightening are all achievable with these advanced methods. Great for dry skin too!
Q. How can you help my dry skin?
A. Your skin probably needs a rest from topically applied moisturisers as it can become lazy from within. We would recommend a treatment that will 'wake-up' your skin from the inside and stimulate it to work for itself. Consultation advised :) Younger looking skin, clear skin and skin tightening are all achievable with these advanced methods.
Q. I have areas of pigmentation! How can you help?
A. Book a consultation with Deborah so that she can determine the nature of the pigmentation. Dependant on type, she will advise the best option for even skintone.
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